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Make PointListWidget usable without MultiWidget
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Until now it was compulsory to call "SetMultiWidget" of a QmitkPointListView for a correct use.

Since the Multiwidget is a little deprecated, there is a need to change that.

Event Timeline

PointListWidget can now be used without calling "SetMultiWidget" and does not crash!

If you do not have a MultiWidget, you can call "SetSnc1, SetSnc2, SetSnc3" to set the SliceNavigationcontrollers, which will be used for automatic crosshair centering of the selected point

If you neither call SetSnc nor SetMultiWidget, you can still use PointListWidget, but the crosshair centering is not working then.

[a90405]: Merge branch 'bug-12822-pointlistwidget'

Merged commits:

2012-08-08 16:00:57 Bastian Graser [d4bc2b]
PointSetWidget can now be used without StdMultiWidget. Instead call SetSnc to set the slicenavigationcontroller which will be used for crosshair centering if a point is selected from list.