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Image histogram calculation is erroneous.
Closed, InvalidPublic


If you open e.g. pic3D.nrrd, apply a five-region otsu-segmentation and open the statistics view, the histogram of the resulting otsu-segmented image is erroneous.

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In case of unclear reproducibility: load pic3D.nrrd, right-click on the corresponding datamanager node and choose Otsu-Segmentation from the context menu. In the appearing dialog, select five regions and confirm. Then open the statistics view, select the segmentation data node. The Histogram is shown and does e.g. not show all the values present in the segmentation image.

Seems to be fixed by other changes.

kislinsk changed the task status from Invalid to Spite.Jun 27 2018, 1:31 PM
kislinsk added a project: Bulk Edit.
kislinsk changed the task status from Spite to Invalid.Jun 27 2018, 1:36 PM
kislinsk removed a project: Bulk Edit.