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Add SHIFT+Right Mouse Button Action to statemachine
Closed, ResolvedPublic


For MITK Cardiac, the user needs to place two kinds of points. Anterior and Posterior Commissure points.

These are set with a pointset using the statemachine "PressMoveReleaseAndPointSetting"

User should be able to place anterior points by SHIFT+LeftMouseButtonClick and posterior poiints by SHIFT+RightMouseButton click.

So we have to add a new action to this statemachine.

Event Timeline

finished! need CoreFlag please

[e45e30]: Merge branch 'bug-13213-statemachineMitralPoints'

Merged commits:

2012-09-24 14:53:09 Bastian Graser [f08cef]
added shift and rightmousebuttonclick to statemachine