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Clone Method of 4D Pointset clones Geometry wrong
Closed, ResolvedPublic


A cloned 4D pointset might have a bad geometry.

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Apparently, when you call "InsertPoint", you have to give world coordinates. Didnt see that. that clears the problem

Clone method DOES have a bug.
when you clone a 4D pointset the resulting pointset is 3D because the geometry is cloned in a wrong way.

[fa2cf3]: Merge branch 'bug-13531-ClonePointSet'

Merged commits:

2012-11-08 15:01:54 Bastian Graser [8ee645]
geometry is now cloned before timesteps and points are set

.. Test fails under MacOS due to uninitialized points

New remote branch pushed: bug-13531-ClonePointSet

[235a3c]: Merge branch 'bug-13531-ClonePointSet'

Merged commits:

2012-11-14 10:39:41 Bastian Graser [22daa8]
COMP Poinset contained uninitialized points. repaired this.