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Tutorial Step 3: Volume Rendering does not work
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The volume rendering is not displayed, even if the property "volume rendering" is set "true". Though, the surface of the lung (vtk-dataset) is shown.
The following error message occurs:

ERROR: In ..\..\VTK-src\Rendering\vtkLODProp3D.cxx, line 908
vtkLODProp3D (000000000460E7B0): Index out of range!

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The same problem accounts for Step 8.

The tutorial steps use the Volume Rendering of MITK core, which is (probably) not used in any other plugins. The errors disappear as soon as we use the MITK-Ext Volume Rendering.
However, a long-term solution should be discussed e.g. whether we want to set the core volume renderer as deprecated and use the MITK-Ext Volume Rendering instead etc.

This bug could not be fixed for release 2013-06. Setting target milestone to next release

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Hi all,

I am using the git version of MITK compiled with visual studio 2008. Unfortunately, I cannot run tutorial step3 successfully. The message I got is as follows:

0.15 loading C:\Library\MITK\Build\CMakeExternals\Source\
MITK-Data\Pic3D.nrrd via itk::ImageIOFactory...
0.17 ioRegion: ImageIORegion (00000000001AE7C0)

Dimension: 3
Index: 0 0 0
Size: 256 256 49

0.21 number of image components: 1
0.21 ...finished!

0.28 Loading C:\Library\MITK\MITK\Modules\MitkExt\Testing\Data\lungs.vtk as vtk

I think the bug is related to, although I did not even see the vtkOutputWindow. But I've seen similar outputs when running Step4. I guess the volume rendering is not working in tutorial step3. The try...catch failed around the following location:
// Set the property "volumerendering" to the Boolean value "true"
node->SetProperty("volumerendering", mitk::BoolProperty::New(true));

// Create a transfer function to assign optical properties (color and opacity) to grey-values of the data
mitk::TransferFunction::Pointer tf = mitk::TransferFunction::New();
tf->InitializeByMitkImage ( image );

Could you please take a look?

Problem occurs in mitkHistogramGenerator.cpp, line 87:
AccessByItk_n( timeSelector->GetOutput() , InternalCompute, (this, m_Histogram));

New remote branch pushed: bug-14882-RepairTutorialStep3

[81703c]: Merge branch 'bug-14882-RepairTutorialStep3'

Merged commits:

2013-08-28 15:57:53 Joseph Görres [f604df]
fixed histogram size in itkMITKScalarImageToHistogramGenerator

New remote branch pushed: bug-14882-tutorial-step3-vr

[874f3d]: Merge branch 'bug-14882-tutorial-step3-vr'

Merged commits:

2013-10-09 15:50:04 Sandy Engelhardt [d18166]
Replacing core Volume Rendering by MITKExt Volume Rendering