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Partial Volume works only on the first figure drawn
Closed, ResolvedPublic


How to reproduce:

  • Load (or create) a DTI dataset
  • Go to PV Analysis View, Draw a figure => the analysis works well
  • delete the previously used figure
  • Add a new planar figure (in another 2D render window than the first) and select the data+figure => the result of the analysis in first image shows up

Even after closing the whole perspective and returning to it, selecting the DTI + PF again did not work.

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Event Timeline

Setting TargetMilestone to 2013-06 ( for all critical, major and some medium bugs).

The interaction works well on DWI images ( interaction restoring after re-open ). The bug occurs only for tensor images.

Switching TargetMilestone from 2013-06 to Unspecified for still open issues.

The PartialVolumeAnalysisHistogramCalculator for each image is stored in a map with the image as the key. For normal images, the key image is also the input of the PartialVolumeAnalysisHistogramCalculator, but for tensor images the input is calculated from that image. When selecting another image and then again the previous, this image is recalculated but the input is not updated.

New remote branch pushed: bug-14958-ReinitializePartialVolumeAnalysisHistogramCalculatorForTensorImages

[2eb02c]: Merge branch 'bug-14958-ReinitializePartialVolumeAnalysisHistogramCalc

Merged commits:

2013-09-25 17:32:41 Christoph Kolb [627bc5]
if a tensor image is selected, the PartialVolumeAnalysisHistogramCalculator is not stored in the map but always newly initialized.