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Error RGBA volume rendering
Closed, InvalidPublic


It happens when trying to visualize a RGBA image as a 3D model.
As the volume rendering is turned "on", it automatically select the "GPU Slicing" method, that does the correct job, as shown in picture "mitk-bug-transparency-1.png".

However, if another method is selected, the render will not be correct (or am I mistaken ?).

GPU Raycast & GPU MIP Raycast will produce a 3D render of the single selected slice (mitk-bug-transparency-3-VR-GPU.png).
If the setting is set back to "GPU Slicing", it'll create a "black fog" completely opaque similar to "CPU Raycast" output.
CPU Raycast will directly produce a "black fog" (mitk-bug-transparency-2-VR-CPU.png).
CPU MIP Raycast is the same as CPU Raycast, but with some gray features displayed (mitk-bug-transparency-2-VR-CPU-MIP.png).

At the moment it was only tested on Windows with MITK 2013.03.

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Thank you for noticing the issue but it was already known.

Only the "GPU Slicing" mode supports RGBA Volume Rendering.
It was the only one of the VTK Mappers which has been extended by us in order to support RGBA Volume Rendering.

All other mode treat RGBA images as scalar images (by averaging the color components) and usual transferfunctions and opacity functions do apply.

Sorry, it is not planned to extend the other volume rendering modes to support RGBA.


kislinsk changed the task status from Invalid to Spite.Jun 27 2018, 1:30 PM
kislinsk added a project: Bulk Edit.
kislinsk changed the task status from Spite to Invalid.Jun 27 2018, 1:36 PM
kislinsk removed a project: Bulk Edit.