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Stochastic tractography does not work with ITK4
Closed, ResolvedPublic


multi threading support not working in this filter

Event Timeline

New remote branch pushed: bug-15082-Stochastic-tractography-does-not-work-with-ITK4

[5ea9e0]: Merge branch 'bug-15082-Stochastic-tractography-does-not-work-with-ITK

Merged commits:

2013-06-05 13:55:10 Tobias Hegemann [f6abc9]
Usage of itkStochasticTractographyFilter changed, so SetInput is now SetPrimaryInput.

2013-06-05 13:54:16 Tobias Hegemann [0b6597]
SetInput method is now renamend to SetPrimaryInput due to avoid the 'hiding method of superclass' and due to itk4 migration.