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Gradient number reduction extracts ALL shells when more than one shell selected
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I have a dataset ( from the HCP database ) which has following gradient images

b_value : count

1000 : 90
2000 : 90
2985 : 1
3000 : 89

When only one shell is selected, the extraction is done correctly. But as soon as at least two of the shells are marked for extraction [ i.e. 0_0_1_89 ] the others ( the first two ) are extracted too.

Event Timeline

Check the field and set the number of wanted gradients to 0 to remove a shell. An unchecked field keeps the gradients as they are.

New remote branch pushed: bug-15816-GradientReduction

current behaviour:
Selected shells: reduced to given number of gradientes (0 for removing a shell)
Un-Selected shells: Not touched

expected behavior
Selected shells: reduced to given number of gradientes (0 for removing a shell)
Un-selected shells: Shell is removed

An Adaption of the name creation is necessary. Initial wanted shell gradient directions (current max dirs / 2) should be max number of gradient directions.

[f6c5f9]: Merge branch 'bug-15816-GradientReduction'

Merged commits:

2013-08-09 13:40:37 Jonas Cordes [a55d6d]
add new reference bValMap
(output = input + b0)

2013-08-08 19:07:44 Jonas Cordes [08bfbb]
change reduced image name-generation

2013-08-08 19:07:10 Jonas Cordes [909f53]
initial number of gradients set to current number of gradients

Has this bug been resolved with the above merges? If so, please close it.