User Details
- User Since
- Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (444 w, 6 d)
- Roles
- Disabled
Sep 29 2016
Sep 21 2016
Pushed new branch T19168-CleanPluginIntegration.
Sep 9 2016
Pushed new branch T19724-usBasedFeatureProcessing.
Finally all required dependencies were added. Major changes are located in CMake/mitkInstallRules.cmake .
Pushed new branch T19679-InstallQtWebEngineProcess.
Aug 13 2016
Fix seems not to work for tutorial steps. It's not based on BasedApplication and direct code injection doesn't work. This needs further investigation.
The application attribute Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling, introduced in Qt 5.6, enables automatic scaling based on the pixel density of the monitor.
Aug 11 2016
Aug 10 2016
No it didn't help :-( So, do you have any other hints?
Currently no rendering is possible on osx, using the in the description mentioned build configuration (that is more or less the state of the art).
Some observations:
- It occurs on release and debug mode.
- If you scale the MITK main window, the rendering works for one frame - then it's rendered again black.
- all four render-windows of the multi-widget are affected
Aug 2 2016
conflict occurs also using 10.10.5.
[8b6411]: COMP:Merge branch 'bug-19720-fixTypeComparison'
Merged commits:
2016-05-11 14:54:50 Jonas Cordes [77c9ab]
remove decltype type declarations
itkMatrix col/row indices are unsigned int
std::remove_const isn't working in this context. However, until itkMatrix colum/row index is surely of type unsigned int we should use it directly!
[576986]: Merge branch 'bug-19686-addQtLinguistTools'
Merged commits:
2016-04-20 16:03:20 Jonas Cordes [5e2064]
add LinguistTools to QT_COMPONENTS in CMakeLists.txt
Current master (3f608decdef1) following issue occures: Could not find QtWebEngineProcess
No-3D-rendering problem can also be forced via the render-menu "show crosshair" command.
should be fixed in qt 5.6.1 (
[8fa4aa]: Merge branch 'bug-19679-missingCocoaPlugin'
Merged commits:
2016-04-15 12:13:32 Jonas Cordes [925c9f]
install required qt plugins and frameworks for mac
+ platforms/libqcocoa.dylib
+ sqldrivers/libqsqllite.dylib
+ QDbus.framework
After we provided the libqcocoa plugin and QtDBus and its qsqllite dependency as follows:
missing icons in toolbar. For svg icon support we have to add the qt plugin :iconengines/libqsvgicon.dylib
[e612eb]: Merge branch 'bug-19679-SVGIconEngine'
Merged commits:
2016-04-20 13:54:35 Jonas Cordes [9b79a6]
add iconengines/libqsvgicon.dylib