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Move ContourUtils to contouring module
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As soon as ContourUtils is free of IpSegmentation move the utility functionality to the module of ContourModel.

Event Timeline

New remote branch pushed: bug-16005-FillContourInSlice-Overwork

User schroedt has pushed new remote branch:


[b7e6c3]: Merge branch 'bug-16005-ContourUtils-integration'

Merged commits:

2014-02-13 15:35:06 Tobias Schroeder [27e0d5]
Removed unused code

2014-02-13 15:25:42 Tobias Schroeder [ba84c5]
Fix for VTK6

2014-02-13 14:51:08 Tobias Schroeder [6934ef]
Merge branch 'bug-16005-FillContourInSlice-Overwork' into bug-16005-ContourUtils-integration


2014-02-13 14:47:16 Tobias Schroeder [475daa]
Fix 4D and move to ContourModel module

2013-11-13 10:48:53 Tobias Schroeder [1d0dfb]
FillContourInSlice is working except for 4D data.

2013-11-12 16:58:58 Lars Woitzik [0f74f7]
tried to set the output image but failed

2013-11-05 18:39:58 Lars Woitzik [bea3d3]
output is missing at the moment, just a backup

2013-10-31 10:22:54 Lars Woitzik [b754ee]
polyline as input gives us the binary input

2013-10-25 17:48:03 Lars Woitzik [180a82]
some new tries

2013-10-25 17:47:06 Lars Woitzik [cea9e7]
Merge branch 'bug-16005-move-contourutils-to-contouring-module' into bug-16005-FillContourInSlice-Overwork

2013-10-25 17:46:27 Lars Woitzik [928712]
used vtkPolyDataToStencilImage / not working at the moment

2013-10-01 18:24:01 woitzik lars [d02513]
meshs are including triangeCells and the Points now

2013-09-30 18:01:29 woitzik lars [31f5cd]
test mesh instead of picIp

2013-09-27 18:32:03 woitzik lars [c75b01]
first try to remove ipPic

[f4f4d9]: Merge branch 'bug-16005-fix-windows-build-error'

Merged commits:

2014-02-14 11:16:45 Tobias Schroeder [3a08d9]
COMP: fix missing ContourModel_EXPORT in ContourModelUtils.

Since T15982 was fixed there is no more ipSegmentation dependency for utility function FillContourInSlice. ContourUtils has been moved to ContourModel module and was renamed to ContourModelUtils to avoid naming conflicts. All methods are now static member functions so no instance of ContourModelUtils is needed.
We are still keeping a legacy support of ContourUtils for class mitk::Contour in Segmentation module.