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Crash when deselection of a segmentation node if the segmentation gui is closed
Closed, ResolvedPublic


To reproduce:
1- Open workbench and the segmentation plugin
2- load segmentation file /or load any image and create a new segmentation
3- close segmentation GUI
4- deselect the segmentation node
5- crash

Event Timeline

Deselecting the segmentation invokes a call of the OnWorkingNodeVisibilityChanged() method in the QmitkSegmentationView, although the view is disabled. Is a call of this method really desired in this case?

A fast workaround is to exit the method directly, if the view is deactivated.

New remote branch pushed: bug-16107-QmitkSegmentationDeselectionWorkaround

[b0a5b6]: Merge branch 'bug-16107-crash-on-segmentation-visibility-changed'

Merged commits:

2013-09-19 10:56:58 Andreas Fetzer [536a8d]
Removed unnecessary observer registration. This is done in OnNodeAdded of the segmentation view