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[Navi BSQ] Remove "Todo's" from Open Source MITK-ToF
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We have a lot of "todo" comments all over the open source MITK-ToF which are a relict from our release.

Most of them are related to the (not implemented) buffer handling. At least we should clean up and remove the huge Todo comment's.

@Alex: What is your opinion on the implementation of the buffer handling? Do you think it would be possible to realize that in 1-2 Bug squashing seminars?

Event Timeline

New remote branch pushed: bug-16645-RemoveToDosFromToFCode

ToDo: merge when Dashboard green

[24ac54]: Merge branch 'bug-16645-RemoveToDosFromToFCode'

Merged commits:

2014-01-23 13:47:02 Alexander Seitel [515f4c]
Removed ToDos from code in ToFHardware.