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Loading libraries crashes if find files with name shorter than dot plus library extension
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Hi Matt,

On 04/19/2014 10:32 PM, Clarkson, Matt wrote:
Hi there,

We have a longstanding problem, with our app crashing on startup on Mavericks. We work around this by setting the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH before launching the app from a terminal console, or using the Mac Automator scripts to set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH before launching the GUI. Neither of these should be necessary.

However, this

was recently committed, (thanks Andreas), and I thought that would fix it. However, the app still crashes. We are currently using a branch based on MITK 2013.09, but we are working on an update to MITK 2014.03, and the same problem exists in both, even with the above fix. (incidentally, Andreas' fix should probably also be applied to loading the CTK Dicom library???)

It fixes the path for the CTK Dicom library but removed the loading of
org_mitk_gui_qt_ext (which wasn't intended...).

So, I eventually found this fix:

which seemed to resolve my problem, and this patch could be relevant to both 2013.09 and 2014.03, as the same code exists in both. So, the app was crashing because it was taking a substring of a string that was too short.

However, Im not sure why this piece of code exists. So, I have not yet raised a bug. So, here’s some more detail for those that are still reading.

This is old legacy code from pre-CTK times (when BlueBerry still contained
a C++ OSGi implementation).

Our app was working OK from the build environment, but not when double clicked in Finder. I googled and found that when launching from finder the working directory is typically just /. Sure enough, having done a make package, and installing the GUI into /Applications/ I could reproduce the problem. If I did

cd /

the application crashed here:

where the bundle->GetStorage() had a base directory of /, so this line:

adds “bin", and so, the app was looking through /bin for dynamic libraries. However, in my /bin, I have several small programs like sh, zsh, cp and so on. So, none of these are dynamic libraries, and hence none of this have a name longer than .dylib, so the app crashes.

However when I

cd /Users/mattclarkson

the bundle->GetStorage() has a base directory or /Users/mattclarkson, so the section in question is looking for dynamic libraries in /Users/mattclarkson/bin, which does not exist, and hence this line:

returns no entries, and so this loop:

is never executed.

So my fix here:

at least avoids the simple case of processing a string that is too short. However, I don’t understand why we are looking in those directories at all.

Any suggestions? I believe a bug should be raised, but Im not sure about the bigger picture.

Yes, please file a bug. Although it is legacy code, we should fix this
issue. I will try to remove the legacy parts in BlueBerry until the next

Thanks for your efforts,
