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Deformation/Translation/Rotation of a clipping plane is jerky
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Since the interaction concept adaption the deformation tool in the clipping plane plugin doesn't work very well. When you deform the plane near the surface it starts to stutter.

The problem occured caused by computation the display point to world point.

Event Timeline

The problem also exist for the other interaction possibilities.

User metzger has pushed new remote branch:


[a36b3b]: Merge branch 'bug-17977-InteractionWithClippingPlaneIsJerky'

Merged commits:

2014-08-06 16:20:39 Jasmin Metzger [6a5cb1]
Fixed the interaction tools for the clipping plane.
Through the conversion to the new interaction concept, we simplified the computation of display point to world point. But this computation was wrong and lead to some stuttering of the plane. Now we use the ComputeDisplayToWorl from vtk again.