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[Dashboard] Package tests take long to execute on a 14.04.1 release build (clang)
Closed, WontfixPublic


The mbi046 MITK Release nightly dartclient produces consistently high running times for all Package tests. These are about twice as long as the running times from the rather slower other clients.


  • 2789s on mbi046 vs. 1385 on mbi081, 1215 on mbi089


  • 2678s on mbi046, 1362 on mbi081

so possibly the runtime for the mitkPackageTest will be around 7500 - 8000s compared to the 3800 and 4000s being the longest running times below the allowed limit.

In other tests, the machine is rather among the fastest ones.

Event Timeline

Same machine, experimental build for installer (no SOFA), the make package terminates with

CPack: Create package
CPack: - package: /localdata/data/dartclient/MITK-Superbuild-Release-experimental/MITK-build/MITK-2014.03.99_rdec515-linux64.tar.gz generated.

real 29m 16.157s
user 25m 2.558s
sys 4m 24.254s

Possibly caused by some external dependency. Currently the mbi046 runs the 'Workbench Release Configuration' and the PackageTest took only about 30 min!

Additional external packages included in the failing build:

  • The following REQUIRED packages have been found:
    • CppUnit
    • GLUT
    • SOFA
    • OpenCV

plus the configuration performed BUILD_ALL on the failing build.

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