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Single DICOM series incorrectly split into individual nodes
Closed, ResolvedPublic



-When loading a single dicom series, the series is split into individual nodes.
-This is occurs in a custom application and the workbench application build based on a git checkout of master.
-This does NOT occur with the workbench application downloaded from

Steps to reproduce:
Download workbench application from

  1. File -> Open -> Select single dcm slice in folder

Result: Single volume, correctly loaded

Build workbench application from master git branch

  1. git checkout master
  2. git clean -fd
  3. mkdir MITK-build
  4. cd MITK-build
  5. ccmake ../
  6. make -j24
  7. open bin/
  8. File -> Open -> Select single dcm slice in folder

Result: Volume split into multiple nodes, incorrect image placement (See attached image)

Build Date & Hardware:
First noticed around the release of 2014-03 on Mac OS X 10.9
Also occurs on 10.10
Hardware 2010 Mac Pro and 2014 MacBook Pro Retina

Additional information:
When building the workbench with the DICOM browser enabled. The volume can be loaded into a single node, but the image is still not loaded completely correctly. Some slices appear to be placed in the incorrect order in the stack.

FreshBuild.png (1×1 px, 375 KB)

Event Timeline

Download workbench with correct loading of volume

Download.png (1×1 px, 423 KB)

kislinsk claimed this task.
kislinsk added a subscriber: kislinsk.

Thank you for nice bug report. I guess that the new DICOM reader of the latest release does work for your images. If incorrect, please reopen this task again.