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Test for PlanarFigures Interaction
Closed, ResolvedPublic


currently commented out. need to be enhanced to deal with various geometry changes and in different rendering windows.

Event Timeline

User webechr has pushed new remote branch:


CoreModification needed for
modifications in InteractionTestHelper

InitializeViewsByBoundingObjects is called, before AND after PrepareRender() for all RenderWindows to ensure correct size and settings of the windows is achieved before any interaction is played back.

[9426a6]: Merge branch 'bug-19272-PlanarFiguresTest'

Merged commits:

2015-09-02 17:57:45 Christian Weber [af0910]
new data for planar figure interaction tests
leave subdivison commented out until it is fixed

2015-09-02 14:40:56 Christian Weber [b681b3]
Merge branch 'bug-19274-EnhIntTest' into bug-19272-PlanarFiguresTest

2015-09-02 12:56:45 Christian Weber [6905e1]
perform an additional global re-init to deal with final render window setups.