Hi everybody,
thanks for MITK, which is a great tool!
We are evaluating to employ MITK in a MRI project, we face a problem regarding data loading and segmentation:
Initially, loading the DICOM series from a local directory works and gives us correct orientation (meaning axial, coronal, sagittal) in the viewer. But upon starting the segmentation, the orientations get flipped. This happens when I create a new segmentation, after entering its name. Now the window named "axial" shows a coronal reconstruction, while "coronal" shows the axial images and "Sagittal" gives a prone view head left.
A "Reinit" on the image series does not help, while a "Global Reinit" restores correct image orientation, but necessitates a reinit on the segmentation, which again flips the images as noted above.
I figure this might be related to http://mitk-users.narkive.com/SvdIsLSz/question-reinit-image-flip, but the related bugs show as fixed. We're using MITK Workbench 16.03, are those fixes included?
Imaging data comes from a clinical MRI scanner (Siemens Aera 1.5 T), the sequence is a T1 Dixon 3D sequence. Another type of Sequence (2D T2 imaging) does not seem to exhibit this problem. Anonymized dicom imaging data can be provided.
Thanks a lot for any help,