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Planar figures may spoil render geometry
Closed, WontfixPublic


This can be reproduced in MITK 2016.3.0.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Load DICOM.
  2. Open "Measurement" view, create some planar figure but don't draw it (it's key part).
  3. Load DICOM again.
    • BUG: Image in renderer is moved far away.

This happens because planar figure has default bounding box (0; 1; 0; 1; 0; 1) and this bounding box is used along with images' bounding boxes to init renderer's geometry after loading the second image.
I think that planar figures shouldn't be used in geometry calculations.

Event Timeline

kislinsk edited projects, added MITK (2016-11); removed MITK.
kislinsk added a subscriber: kislinsk.

Thank you, @kuznetsov. This is definitely an issue but the solution should be different. Planar figures have certain properties that can be queried for the state you described. In general, it is important to include planar figures in geometry calculations. So, the solution could be something like extending the responsibilities of the plugin for checking if a planar figure is in that initial state and should delete it, if the interactor is removed from the node or something like this.

goch edited projects, added MITK; removed MITK (2016-11).
goch moved this task from Bugsquashing - In Progress to 2016-11 on the MITK board.
goch edited projects, added MITK (2016-11); removed MITK.
kislinsk claimed this task.
kislinsk added a project: Auto-closed.

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kislinsk removed kislinsk as the assignee of this task.May 26 2020, 12:05 PM
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