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RegionGrowing new segmentation crash in Release mode
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As I worked through the 3D segmentation checklist, I tested RegionGrowing. Saving the result in the current segmentation worked fine, but creating a new one in the dialog led to a crash of MITK. Couldn't reproduce it in debug mode.

Event Timeline

kislinsk renamed this task from RegionGrowing new segmentation crash to RegionGrowing new segmentation crash in Release mode.Dec 14 2016, 2:54 PM
kislinsk triaged this task as High priority.
kislinsk edited projects, added MITK (2016-11); removed MITK.
kislinsk moved this task from Backlog to Focus Tasks on the MITK (2016-11) board.

I tried to reproduce this over and over again, but it happened only once in like 50 tries and then never again... I'll try another 10 times and if it doesn't crash again, I'll lower the importance of this task and move it back to the Backlog on the Workboard.

Nope, didn't happen again. Nevertheless, I'll change a raw pointer to a smart pointer in the proximity of the code that probably crashes. Who knows. Can't hurt.

kislinsk claimed this task.
kislinsk lowered the priority of this task from High to Normal.
kislinsk moved this task from Focus Tasks to Included on the MITK (2016-11) board.