I have an image with a "complex" affine transformation:
Dimensions: 256 152 256 Matrix: -0.884736 -0.111873 -0.119705 0.152433 -0.786983 -0.532942 -0.0345842 -0.606747 0.713325 Offset: [141.941, 144.184, -51.4434]
The image navigator does its slicing like that:
Axial 1969 / 3989 Sagittal 123 / 245 Coronal 126 / 252
Scrolling in the axial view becomes kind of useless with 4000 slices. The image does change when I scroll so it's theorically usable, but the user simply abandons and suddenly uses the Image Navigator plugin to scroll.
Do you think there should be a limit to the number of slices? There are 256 actual slices in this image, I doubt anyone would want more than, hum, the double, or something :) What's your opinion on this?