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- Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (436 w, 4 d)
Jun 10 2022
Hi Peter,
Jan 4 2022
Yes, I compared both versions of our application; based on MITK 2018.04 and 2021.02. I understand that's it's not a perfect comparison, as there are several other changes between those versions, but it's the best I can do right now.
Hi Peter, thank you for the quick fix. I finally took the time to test... 2 months later :)
Jun 19 2019
Sep 25 2018
You can delete this task of you want. We don't need it anymore, I don't even know why we needed it and maybe it has been randomly fixed in the last 5 years.
Only tested in a 10.13 VM, but I confirm that upgrading to Qt5.11.1 didn't fix this problem.
Aug 24 2018
Yes, thank you!
Aug 23 2018
Aug 17 2018
Sigh. I tried on my personal computer and it worked... The only difference is my VS version (15.7.4). I still see the Could NOT find HDF5 errors but it seems they are unimportant. If nobody has seen this "internal error", then maybe my setup is broken fo real.
Aug 16 2018
I thought I used the current master but I tried again this morning and everthing is fine. I probably mistyped the source folder name and picked an old version. My bad.
Aug 15 2018
Jul 4 2018
Jun 28 2018
I think I found a way to fix it. I only tested with the 2 images in my previous post, but it looks ok.
Jun 26 2018
I tested with our images and I confirm the bug in 2016.11 and 2018.04.
image1: Dimensions: 128 128 74 65 Spacing: [2.03125, 2.03125, 2]
Image2: Dimensions: 128 128 74 2 Spacing: [2.03125, 2.03125, 2]
May 2 2018
I forgot to add that it's easily visible withe the new dark theme. There's no need of special screenshot and black magic, just follow the colored lines.
I made a new PR. It's almost identical to the first but at least it's tested on the current master. It still compiles and it still work as it should.
Dec 22 2017
Cool. The menus were impossible to use on OS X. However, I suggest that you reopen this issue. I tested master to check if the other problem that was explained in my 3-05-2017 post was solved. It affects all OSes. From my tests, it's still a problem. It might be considered minor but:
Hahaha, dammit, yes, I meant T22065. Not sure what happened :) I copied my post in the right issue. Thank you.
Dec 21 2017
Cool. The menus were impossible to use on OS X. However, I suggest that you reopen this issue. I tested master to check if the other problem that was explained in my 3-05-2017 post was solved. It affects all OSes. From my tests, it's still a problem. It might be considered minor but:
- it's still a bug
- I already posted a solution 4 months ago, it might be useful to use it
Oct 19 2017
Sep 29 2017
Aug 31 2017
I pushed 2 new commits because I received a bug report from one of my user who told me he sometimes had strange result in fullscreen. Since then, no problem on any OS so I think it's safe to look at this PR.
Jun 23 2017
I tested with the MITK 2016.11 release and I can at least confirm the bug for "Fast Marching 3D" and "Region Growing 3D"
Use the 'short' folder in
Jun 22 2017
May 26 2017
May 25 2017
May 24 2017
A new PR:
You are totally right, this PR can't change anything because there's already a Modified() called just before. Furthermore, I can't even reproduce my own bug! My callbacks are now called as they should. I'm not sure what happened :| I'll convince myself that something related changed in MITK 2016.11 but I doubt it ^^
I can't say I have the solution to that problem, but here's anyway what I would do:
- Never modify node without BaseData.
- If "Show helper objects" is checked: hide them too
- otherwise, don't.
May 23 2017
Haha, oups, as you can see, I didn't actually remember what I did :)
I agree that there's a Modified() in LookupTableProperty but the bug is related to ColorProperty. You know your code base much more than me so maybe these properties are super related and I'm not aware of it but... why is LookupTableProperty relevant?
Hum, looking at it right now, I agree that it looks random :) I know that I tried doing the simple way (like goch's snippet) in the "logical" places but it wasn't working. I don't remember why though so I'll try again and keep you updated.
May 22 2017
May 18 2017
May 12 2017
May 11 2017
Finally, a new, improved and shinny PR:
May 10 2017
Clearly related to T19683. There's already a PR for this.
May 9 2017
I'm not sure what has changed but it doesn't work anymore. I think those lines are wrong now and make the application crashes when we later use dataSetMapper, texture or imageActor.
Not only an OS X problem. Clearly not a feature if the option is named "Show only selected node". A programmers can understand that the crosshair is in fact 3 nodes but a user shouldn't have to.
May 8 2017
May 5 2017
May 3 2017
As asked on the ML, is there any update on this?
It took me a while but I tested a little more and:
- Forget my PR, it's not good enough. It was a wonderful fix for OS X (the menus are unusable without my fix) but it doesn't fix the next point
- There are visual glitches on Windows too. (Probably linux too), let me explain.
Feb 28 2017
Haha, ok, you're right, I don't want to do that. I don't know much about the deprecation process, so here's one question. Lets say my code is ok, the bug is fixed, but I deleted one public method somewhere because it made no sense anymore and it's incompatible with what I did. Are you telling me I must keep the old implementation along my new implementation for the next version(s)? The old implementation is buggy; it would make no sense to keep it.
Feb 27 2017
Yes, I changed the public interface. I understand that you don't want to change it because some people might be using it, but all changes are related to the RenderWindowMenu. I doubt anyone outside of MITK is using this class.
Feb 26 2017
Feb 21 2017
While working on another task, I fiex this bug. I will post a PR in the next days.
Feb 3 2017
Dec 9 2016
Ah, nice! Yes, this is exactly what I had in mind. Stuff staying mostly where it was but now aligned on the grid. Thank you.
I wanted to compile and test it myself but I stopped trying when I read kislinsk reply., so here's my image
.I don't know if this patch is trying to fix the same problem I have; I have no big rotation problem like in the image above, I just want Reinit to keep the minus signs in the affine, so the user is not too confused when segmenting an image.
Nov 24 2016
Nov 22 2016
I found what's causing the problem: the QSplitter.
I did a quick test, commenting some of the splitter code, and it was fine.
I'll try to compile master on OS X to see if it's still a problem. I'll try pushing a patch in the next days if it is.
Nov 21 2016
I tried to fix this problem myself in the last days. It's really strange!
The normal behavior is
Nov 8 2016
Aug 2 2016
Thank you for the investigation.
It would be really practical for us too.
I found a 3D image with this particular problem. gdcmdump tells me
(0018,0050) DS [0.28] # 4,1 Slice Thickness
(0018,0088) DS [-0.28 ] # 6,1 Spacing Between Slices
(0028,0030) DS [0.28\0.28 ] # 10,2 Pixel Spacing
Oh, sorry for the delay. The way I coded, addind false in the ctor was indeed simple and solves the problem. I didn't test the other ideas, but as a user, I believe selected should be false by default.
I don't have the code you are asking for, but in order to help you, I created a simple mesh (2 tetrahedra) as an example and the rendering is also broken, so here's the code: It's absolutely ugly (sorry!) but it's enough to see the bug.
Hey, thanks for your patch. The rendering without an interactor is now ok. With an interactor though, I still have almost the same problem as in my first post. I believe the only problenm is that they are all selected by default.
I don't do anything special; I just add an interactor.
mitk::DataNode::Pointer meshNode = mitk::DataNode::New();
meshNode->SetStringProperty("name", "MY MESH");
GetDataStorage()->Add(meshNode, m_CurrentImageNode);
mitk::PointSetInteractor::Pointer interactor =
mitk::PointSetInteractor::New("onlymovepointsetinteractor", meshNode);
Yes, the bug is on a 4D mitk::Mesh. It works perfectly on 3D Mesh because, as I wrote, the problem arises on t > 0.
Just to say that I have the same problem with 2D images. When I load a 2D image (png or jpg), create a bounding object and cut the image with a BoundingObjectCutter, it fails when I call :
mitk::BoundingObjectCutter::Pointer filter = mitk::BoundingObjectCutter::New();
filter->Set some stuff
In mitkBoundingObjectCutter.cpp in GenerateInputRequestedRegion() on line
delete [] dimensions;