It should be a filter derived from mitk::SurfaceSource that creates the surface, not a surface object itself that creates its own content.
mitk::TrackingVolumeGenerator* tvgen;
mitk::Surface* myTrackingVolume = tvgen->GetOutput();
Status | Assigned | Task | ||
Restricted Maniphest Task | ||||
Resolved | None | T3272 refactor TrackingVolume | ||
Resolved | None | T5297 Add support of changing tracking volumes for NDI Aurora (++) |
Event Timeline
also, extend the filter to include tracking volumes of all supported tracking devices - also variants of existing devices like polaris spectra/vicra and MicronTracker S40, S60,...
I'm cleaning up my bug list, Alex, Ingmar, you should decide if this should be done and then reassign the bug to someone.
[87e7ba]: Merge branch 'bug-3272-CreateTrackingVolumeGenerator'
Merged commits:
2011-05-09 16:54:13 Christian Zoellner [bb7ced]
Removed old test
2011-05-09 16:52:53 Christian Zoellner [7df00b]
Updated Documentation, added VolumeGeneratorTest into files.cmake, updated Test
2011-05-09 14:33:16 Christian Zoellner [054af5]
Some comments
2011-05-09 14:28:49 Christian Zoellner [6917a5]
Comments,new TrackingVolumetests, removed old TrackingVolume
2011-05-09 11:12:17 Christian Zoellner [e1dbbc]
Refactor the Generator to pipe/filter concept of igt, changed usages accordant
2011-05-05 18:03:46 Christian Zoellner [282333]
Refactoring code: Added generate method, type is member now, surface istn anymore, removed SetVolumneManually method
2011-05-05 11:17:14 Christian Zoellner [85870b]
Generator tkaes now a tracking device type or a tracker itself, modules used old trackingvolume class before, now use the generator
2011-04-29 11:02:53 Christian Zoellner [00cb60]
First bad and dirty Version of Generator,but works
2011-04-28 13:39:59 Christian Zoellner [e2596a]
Created interface and base class
2011-04-26 16:33:39 Christian Zoellner [2489c7]
CmakeLists update
2011-04-26 16:29:26 Christian Zoellner [ad8af8]
Added Generator Classes