PlanarFigures are defined on 2D planes (PlanarGeometry objects). For correctly writing and reading PlanarFigure objects, the transformation information need to be saved as well.
Event Timeline
[SVN revision 22756]
FIX (#3984): Extend PlanarFigureReader/Writer with serialization of entire Geometry information; add PlanarCross to readable PlanarFigure classes
Resetting all bugs without active assignee flag to "CONFIRMED". Change status to IN_PROGRESS if you are working on it.
With the changes in the above commit, the required geometry information (contained in mitk::AffineGeometryFrame3D) is serialized. This consists of ITK transform parameters, plane bounds, spacing and origin.
The serialization assumes that the the type AffineGeometryFrame3D::TransformType is fixed and no other transforms are used for PlanarFigures. (For example, the reader class assumes that the transform consists of 12 parameters. If this changes, e.g. due to an ITK design change, the PlanarFigure needs to be changed as well.)
Regarding the way how planar figures are currently used, I would consider this issue as resolved.