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Changing properties of a PointSet has no effect on 3D visualization
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  1. Load a PointSet (e.g. pointSet.mps from MITK-Data directory).
  2. Change a property using the PropertyListView (e.g. the pointSize).
  3. Update 3D visualization by clicking in 3D render window.

-> No changes to visualization.

Further observation:
Changing the color works for 2D rendering, changing the 2D point size does not work

Event Timeline

Also changing property "render skeleton" does not show the skeleton of a VesselTree in 3D widgets. Can be forced by user by switching type of vessel tree rendering causing a total update in mapper.
Seems to be a bug in reading properties. Maybe caused by changes made to remove enable/disable option in properties (T8131).

Matt reporting on sourceforge mailing list:

Hi there,

There may be a potential issue in QmitkVolumeVizualizationView. When I do the following:

  1. Load nifti image
  2. Display the Volume Visualization view.
  3. Select my image in the Datamanager
  4. Select the Volumerendering checkbox in the QmitkVolumeVisualizationView

the checkbox however jumps immediately back to unchecked. It won't turn on and stay on. Hence I can't volume render.

At first, I thought the reason was that in QmitkVolumeVisualizationView::OnEnableRendering, the property is already present, so when you try and set the value, you get a warning saying, that rather than set the property, you should use ReplaceProperty instead. So, I tried changing the code to use Replace property. This appeared to set the property (at least no warning/error messages were produced), however, in UpdateInterface, the section of code that reads:

bool enabled = false;

It turns out that the GetBoolProperty was always returning false, (despite the fact, I had just used ReplaceProperty to set it to true).

The short term work around is that if you open the Property List editor, you can set the volumerendering property to be on, then go back to the Volume Visualisation View and then the checkbox can be forced to On.

However, it appears that there is definitely an issue with properties seemingly not updating.

Im happy to raise a bug, but it may be me missing the point, so can someone check this, and double check if this is all true?

Thanks as always


I loaded some images to reproduce Matt's bug but everything works perfectly fine for me.

works for me as well, using volume rendering bundle and also using property manager. But rendering of skeleton doesn't work.

kislinsk changed the task status from Invalid to Spite.Jun 27 2018, 1:32 PM
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kislinsk changed the task status from Spite to Invalid.Jun 27 2018, 1:37 PM
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