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tensor and qball reconstruction do not work
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DWI images can not be turned into tensor and qball images anymore.

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Does not appear on every pc. Iggy and I had this problem. Jan did not.

Does not work on OSX either...
following exception/error occurs during executing itkDiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter.

  • Tensor reconstruction

itk::ExceptionObject (0x12e1d73e0)
Location: "void itk::ImageBase<VImageDimension>::CopyInformation(const itk::DataObject*) [with unsigned int VImageDimension = 3u]"
File: /Users/hal9000/MBI/mbiBin_bugsquashing/MITK-superbuild/CMakeExternals/Source/ITK/Code/Common/itkImageBase.txx
Line: 341
Description: itk::ERROR: Image(0x12e1a39b0): itk::ImageBase::CopyInformation() cannot cast PKN3itk10DataObjectE to PKN3itk9ImageBaseILj3EEE

on linux:

itk::ExceptionObject (0x2a13ff0)
Location: "void mitk::PixelType::Initialize(const std::type_info&, int, itk::ImageIOBase::IOPixelType)"
File: /home/vanbrugg/MITK/MITK/Core/Code/IO/mitkPixelType.cpp
Line: 260
Description: itk::ERROR: PixelType(0x7fff81d85e90): Pixel type currently not supported.

in itkDiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter::BeforeGeneratedData
MITK_INFO << typeid(TTensorPixelType).name(); -> f

in itkDiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter::ThreadedGeneratedData()
MITK_INFO << typeid(TTensorPixelType).name(); -> nothing

This seems to cause the image to be falsely initialized. Mac crashes early. On linux mitk throws the exception and Windows does not seem to experience anything at all.

dynamic cast did not work with gcc compilers < 4.4. Therefore dynamic casts of dwi to tensor images did not work properly. Some recent changes with regard to T9250 and 9248 resolved this problem.

stuff was in itk code so will not go in mitk branch anyway