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Preference added for showing/hiding the level/window widget
Closed, ResolvedPublic



I created a patch that introduces a preference to show/hide the level/window widget of the main multiwidget editor.

This could be done through the API even until now, and you could also reduce the size of the widget interactively that had a similar effect. What I missed was that this setting was not preserved like e.g the perspective layout.

For compatibility, the widget is enabled by default.

Please, consider if this can be useful for you or others.


Event Timeline

Thank you for this contribution, Miklos. I'll have a look at it and will probably integrate it soon.

Best Alex

Changes of this patch commited to branch bug-9141-AddPreferenceForLevelWindow (commit ID: abd280f90f43cc6d911d1454a8ffe2e784d40821). Will be merged to master soon.

Added feature request specification.

[ac1ec4]: Merge branch 'bug-9141-AddPreferenceForLevelWindow'

Merged commits:

2011-09-07 14:48:16 Alexander Seitel [abd280]
Added preference to preferences of QmitkStdMultiWidgetEditor that allows to enable/disable the LevelWindowWidget

Changes are now pushed to the master and are thus available in the latest version.

Thanks again for the contribution.