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make package on Mac fails to run hdiutil if package is too big.
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However, while I understand that for normal MITK cases on a Mac you would run "make package", and then CPack would create a DragNDrop installer, I have been running make install, then I have my own script, which bundles up the whole installation folder. The reason is because of problems with /usr/bin/hdiutil as the package is too big for the default arguments. So my script calculates the size of the required disk image, and adds branding images and a few other things. I just tried running "make package", and I got:

Is that something for which we could add a bug report for the BundleUtilities.cmake script?

Yes, probably, effectively what I do is:

Calculate required size of disk image

echo "Calculating required size"
initial_size=du -ks ${EFFECTIVE_ROOT} | awk '{print $1}'
echo "Size of directory to mount=${SIZE}k"

Create the disk image

echo "Creating disk image"
hdiutil create -srcfolder "${EFFECTIVE_ROOT}" -volname "${BASE_NAME}" -fs HFS+ -fsargs "-c c=64,a=16,e=16" -format UDRW -size ${SIZE}k ${TMP_OUTPUT_DMG}

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This task was automatically closed because it wasn't updated at least since July 2016 (over 2 years). Please re-open this task if you think that it is still relevant. This most probably means that you will resolve it.