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Image statistics are not shown on a threshold based segmentation.
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Image statistics are not shown on a threshold based segmentation. Instead nothing happens.

Event Timeline

On Mac there the statistics view is never shown

MITK-1-0 keyword is obsolete, we use Target Milestones in the future.

Works all for me.

Only thing that is not working:
The histogram is not shown. NEVER. Independent on Operating System and used masks

The Histogram widget is initialized as "non visible".

This has been done on purpose, since the Histogram widget destroys the z-Buffer of the 3D Renderwindow. Need to reimplement there quite some stuff.

It's a VTK Bug

Histogram is working fine in VTK 5.4.0 and 5.4.2. But in VTK 5.6.0 it is not working anymore.

found a solution:

have to switch the Cmake option of VTK

I do not feel comfortable to change the VTK_USE_QVTK_QTOPENGL flag in VTK for the release. Unless somebody can tell us that there are no other side-effects when should mark this bug as a "known issue" and fix it for the next release.

Markus said, its ok. Lets discuss it together.
I compiled vtk and mitk with the flag off .. on the first sight everthing works fine

Thomas, could you please switch the CMake option VTK_USE_QVTK_QTOPENGL in VTK off and investigate the rendering behaviour in MITK?

I will change the VTK flag now.

[388ed0]: Merge branch 'bug-12038-image-statistics-histogram-not-shown'

Merged commits:

2012-06-13 13:28:59 Sascha Zelzer [28280a]
Do not set VTK_USE_QVTK_QTOPENGL to ON (this is the VTK default).

This bug was discovered during testing of 2012-06, updating version. Target milestone is unspecified until general bug review, but feel free to fix it before.

This bug was discovered during testing of 2012-06, updating version. Target milestone is unspecified until general bug review, but feel free to fix it before.