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Remove umlauts from code
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently some of the code still contains german comments and especially german comments containing umlauts.

These should be removed, this will enable easier encoding conversion as well.

Event Timeline

New remote branch pushed: bug-13760-remove-umlauts-from-code

[85ad64]: Merge branch 'bug-13760-remove-umlauts-from-code'

Merged commits:

2013-08-07 12:04:51 Lars Woitzik [f5e755]
translated german comments

2013-08-07 11:20:15 Lars Woitzik [0d9056]
all german comments are converted into english comments

[9f9faa]: Merge branch 'bug-13760-remove-umlauts-from-code'

Merged commits:

2013-08-28 11:58:06 Lars Woitzik [c02d32]
COMP: fixing orgin/master chaos, some files that i changed with this bug, arent exist anymore in the new master

[9ca7f5]: Merge branch 'bug-13760-remove-umlauts-from-code'

Merged commits:

2013-08-28 16:10:32 Lars Woitzik [8b124a]
COMP: added '\' for '#define' commands which are needed more than one line