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3D Polygon Model is not closed when segmentation contains border of image
Closed, InvalidPublic


  • Load pic3d
  • Make a Segementation that contains the last slices of the image
  • "Accept" segmentation
  • Right click segmentation "Create Polygon Model"

The side of the 3D model which represents the last slice of the image is opened (see screenshot

bug.png (884×556 px, 136 KB)

Event Timeline

Set Target Milestone to upcoming release

Updating target milestone to upcoming release

This bug could not be fixed for release 2013-06. Setting target milestone to next release

Seems to be fixed in MITK 2013.09

kislinsk changed the task status from Invalid to Spite.Jun 27 2018, 1:32 PM
kislinsk added a project: Bulk Edit.
kislinsk changed the task status from Spite to Invalid.Jun 27 2018, 1:36 PM
kislinsk removed a project: Bulk Edit.