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Strange Noise in Kinect Images
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In the current master is strange noise when connecting to the kinect. It also appears if you load data with the player. So it is most likely our software. (This has nothing to do with regular noise in depth images. On first sight it looks like a hardware defect.)

I bisected the following:

One of the follow two commits introduces the noise:
The commit by Sandy "fixed binary images" just makes the application crash when I press the play button.

The commit by Sandy: "Made Levelwindowfilter working with color transfer functions property" introduces noise and strange colors.

These have errors in the color but no noise:

The commit by Sandy: "Reviewed Code / added missing comments and descriptions" enders all kinect images grey, but correctly. (No noise)

The commit by Eric: "fixed wrong opacity on cr images" renders all kinect images grey, but correctly. (No noise)

This is the first "really" good commit:
The commit by Sascha: "Merge branch bug-14355[...]" works fine over all.

Event Timeline

Screen shot of git bisect results

Screenshot from 2013-02-25 10:52:17.png (615×1 px, 249 KB)

screen shot of the noise (and strange unrelated? color)

Screenshot from 2013-02-25 10:57:17.png (206×275 px, 13 KB)

Since this also occurs in when using our MITK player to load data, I will write a rendering test in order to avoid future bisecting.

The bug has been fixed with T10174. I will add a test asap.

[89ec00]: Merge branch 'bug-14560-PlayerLoadAndRenderTests'

Merged commits:

2013-04-03 11:04:18 Thomas Kilgus [826dcc]
Added a test for loading depth and rendering depth images and one for RGB images. Currently, kinect images are used for testing.

Todo: Add software modus reference images.

[a4e3c0]: Merge branch 'bug-14560-PlayerLoadAndRenderTests'

Merged commits:

2013-04-08 10:50:37 Thomas Kilgus [caa4fc]
New hashvalue for new mitk-data containing software modus reference screenshots.