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private virtual functions in QmitkAbstractView
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some functions of the QmitkAbstractView is private, although they are virtual and the documentation comments also suggest that they may be overridden by the derived classes.

I would like to override the OnSelectionChanged function, but I get compile error because of this.

E.g. line 282-316:


 * Reimplement this method to set a custom selection provider. This method is
 * called once after CreateQtPartControl().
 * The default implementation registers a QmitkDataNodeSelectionProvider with
 * a QItemSelectionModel returned by GetDataNodeSelectionModel().
virtual void SetSelectionProvider();

 * Reimplement this method to supply a custom Qt selection model. The custom
 * model will be used with the default selection provider QmitkDataNodeSelectionProvider
 * to inform the MITK Workbench about selection changes.
 * If you reimplement this method, the methods FireNodeSelected() and FireNodesSelected()
 * will have no effect. Use your custom selection model to notify the MITK Workbench
 * about selection changes.
 * The Qt item model used with the custom selection model must return mitk::DataNode::Pointer
 * objects for model indexes when the role is QmitkDataNodeRole.
virtual QItemSelectionModel* GetDataNodeSelectionModel() const;

 * Called when the selection in the workbench changed.
 * May be reimplemented by deriving classes.
 * \param part The source part responsible for the selection change.
 * \param nodes A list of selected nodes.
 * \see OnNullSelection
virtual void OnSelectionChanged(berry::IWorkbenchPart::Pointer part, const QList<mitk::DataNode::Pointer> &nodes);



Event Timeline

Sorry, the private virtual functions are actually valid in C++. I could solve the problem.

kislinsk changed the task status from Invalid to Spite.Jun 27 2018, 1:30 PM
kislinsk added a project: Bulk Edit.
kislinsk changed the task status from Spite to Invalid.Jun 27 2018, 1:36 PM
kislinsk removed a project: Bulk Edit.