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Add parameter "pre-loaded volume" to DicomSeriesReader
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DicomSeriesReader::LoadDicomSeries() loads an image from disk. It also scans for quite some DICOM tags and provides them as mitk::Properties. In addition it reports the scan findings (e.g. is the series tilted, how to interpret spacings?).

In use cases where pixel data is already present and only the properties are of interest, it would be simple to make the function skip the actual image loading step and provide only the properties to an image which is provided as a parameter.

A simple unit test will verify that the property lists are actually identic with and without loadig pixel data.

Event Timeline

New remote branch pushed: bug-15533-preloaded-volumes

[058829]: Merge branch 'bug-15533-preloaded-volumes'

Merged commits:

2013-07-05 13:33:15 Daniel Maleike [8cb8a8]
Assign different names to different tests

2013-07-05 12:34:08 Daniel Maleike [29e0be]
Test the preLoadedVolume parameter of LoadDicomSeries()

Test verifies that a call WITH an Image will generate the
same properties as a regular call (which would also load
the image itself).

2012-12-21 16:15:38 Daniel Maleike [cb2725]
Support optional parameter with pre-loaded image.

If an MITK image is provided, we don't actually load all of
the pixel data from DICOM files but instead only care to scan
DICOM tags to create appropriate mitk::Properties.

This allows applications to store pixel data in a more efficient
format and still get a consistent set of mitk::Properties, e.g.
regarding pixel spacing semantic



[df0783]: Merge branch 'bug-15533-preloaded-volumes'

Merged commits:

2013-07-05 13:40:13 Daniel Maleike [f1dfa8]
COMP: use "&&" instead of "and"