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[Dashboard] MITK Windows Continuous submits only 66 tests
Closed, ResolvedPublic


For some reasons the xml file is not submitted completely to the cdash server. All the tests run locally but just 66 results are submitted.
Sascha already did some investigation and it looks like a connection issue. For some reasons the connection is too slow and therefore interrupted by apache.

Event Timeline

I tried the following:

  • Used Windows Defender to check for spyware and viruses
  • Used Avira Antivirus to check for spyware and viruses
  • Deleted the MITK-build folder completely
  • Added a re-try cound of 3 and a delay of 3 seconds during the retries when calling "ctest_submit" in the CDash driver script
  • Updated CMake from 2.8.5 (I think) to CMake (or 2)

Nothing helped. The Curl library used within CTest to submit the XML files always aborts the upload because of "connection too slow, fewer then 1 byte/sec ..." (this seems to be the default abort criteria for Curl.

Maybe the Apache log files can help.

Nothing found (yet) in the logs. When listing the submission-backup folder, the corrupted files have a common length of 80136 Bytes.

New remote branch pushed: bug-15619-testing-last-good-commit

The last good commit results in only 66/67 tests as well. I installed Wireshark and get a -> (me) Time to live exceeded in transit [Ethernet Frame Check Sequence Incorrect]

I will try updating windows.

Please note:

I have modified the dashboard driver/setup script to not build anything. So the continuous currently just tries to do and submit the tests.

Ok, trying to download the Windows Updates I get to 48% and then stop. Restarting the download it stays at 0%.

Capturing with wireshark gives the same error message.

So it seems to have nothing to do with either MITK or but instead it is either a problem of the VM configuration or of the VM host machine configuration.

Has anybody updated/changed the configuration of either of the two recently?

It seems the submission problem is fixed. I am no entirely sure which of the following two was the solution:

  • Aborted attempt at Update caused some windows configure magic
  • I changed the VM Mac adress