User Details
- User Since
- Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (444 w, 4 d)
- Roles
- Disabled
Feb 18 2017
Feb 17 2017
Pushed new branch T19642-python-zlib-linkerror.
Feb 3 2017
Works as intended. If opencv Python wrapping is not available the python plugin uses simpleITK to transfer the image as a fallback. Theres no option to check if the cv runtime is available at compile time in the python environment. This is done during runtime. Thats why the import error appears in the console.
Works as intended. If opencv Python wrapping is not available the python plugin uses simpleITK to transfer the image as a fallback. Theres no option to check if the cv runtime is available at compile time in the python environment. This is done during runtime. Thats why the import error appears in the console.
Nov 25 2016
Pushed new branch T22179-screenshotmaker.
Works on the current release branch.
2 D Polygon models can't be created with subsampling. Awarning is displayed if the user tries to do it.
Oct 28 2016
Already fixed by another branch
Pushed new branch T20192-vkPolyData-Python.
Oct 14 2016
Pushed new branch T20075-Polygon-normals.
Sep 30 2016
Pushed new branch T19844-segmentation-feedbackcontour-visibility.
Sep 16 2016
Pushed new branch T18602-paintbrush-undo.
Sep 2 2016
The paintbrush tool works in a slightly different way than the other Segmentation tools:
Aug 4 2016
Aug 2 2016
[263726]: Merge branch 'bug-19797-pythonqt-upgrade'
Merged commits:
2016-06-22 14:24:50 Eric Heim [7ab480]
Upgraded pythonqt from ctk master
A fix to build MITK with Qt 5.6 and Python is provided in the following PythonQt fork:
[ab0d28]: Merge branch 'bug-19689-python-vectorimages'
Merged commits:
2016-04-27 15:29:29 Eric Heim [4ef904]
Removed debug messages
[0148b0]: Merge branch 'bug-19542-segmentationPolygonmodel'
Merged commits:
2016-04-12 16:22:21 Eric Heim [786125]
enabled polygonmodel creation for multilabel images
[f92cbc]: Merge branch 'bug-19420-export-pythonLibs'
Merged commits:
2015-11-02 17:09:45 Eric Heim [0f770c]
Export PythonLibs with public flag
The python installer tries to package in the CMake/mitkMacroInstall.cmake macro all python libraries for every Bundle. The install function of python (CMake/mitkFunctionInstallPython.cmake) only supports the MitkWorkbench bundle right now. To be able to build other apps the python script should only be run in the MitkWorkbench bundle and excluded for the other executables.
Actual behavior:
When the mouse course switches into rotation mode the slice navigation is not possible anymore. The mouse switches into rotation mode as soon as its near a plane in the 2D render window.
Added a new transition state to the Modules/Core/resource/Interactions/DisplayInteraction.xml to make the mouse scroll function work.
[0c291b]: Merge branch 'bug-19418-crosshair-rotation'
Merged commits:
2015-12-02 15:07:35 Eric Heim [2784b0]
Fixed mouse position event while zooming and panning in rotated plane mode
[0ef6ad]: Merge branch 'bug-19419-python-rgb'
Merged commits:
2015-11-04 14:45:12 Eric Heim [9c8f47]
Added simple itk rgb rgba image support in python.
Added zooming and panning transition states in plane rotation mode.
[9d657c]: Merge branch 'bug-19251-warningsInSegmentation'
Merged commits:
2015-09-09 14:35:34 Eric Heim [f87c39]
Registered default move interaction function to resolve warnings
Fixed the CMakeLists.txt of the PythonQT project to support higher versions and created a pull request:
[cd7eac]: Merge branch 'bug-19225-pointsetrendering'
Merged commits:
2015-08-19 14:55:55 Eric Heim [a9ad2a]
simplified property activation for opengl rendering
Actual behavior
- Property Observer to switch the rendering modes on demand
- Point selection color
- Labels (are the old ones, maybe not used anymore)
- Rendering lighting artefacts created by vtk
[bb4a60]: Merge branch 'bug-19220-deactivate-debug-python-win32'
Merged commits:
2015-08-19 15:18:35 Eric Heim [8afeda]
deactivate python dependencies on windows when debug mode is enabled
[036b33]: Merge branch 'bug-19189-unix-debug-python'
Merged commits:
2015-07-17 15:48:29 Eric Heim [2c430a]
remove debug suffixes when building python on linux in debug mode
[6ab3bb]: Merge branch 'bug-19189-unix-debug-python'
Merged commits:
2015-07-20 13:25:30 Eric Heim [1c07b6]
fixed dcmtk debug build error for python builds
[98f0f8]: Merge branch 'bug-19171-python-imagegeometries'
Merged commits:
2015-07-22 16:34:41 Eric Heim [e3a062]
added comments
[1e2b05]: Merge branch 'bug-19153-python-tests'
Merged commits:
2015-06-25 15:11:04 Eric Heim [1efebe]
COMP: temporarily disable python tests on windows
[f69ef1]: Merge branch 'bug-19146-python-qt-version'
Merged commits:
2015-06-25 14:12:45 Eric Heim [64afe7]
COMP: Fixed test path on windows for python tests
All commits are in the 2015.05.02 release.
[bdda97]: Merge branch 'bug-19146-python-qt-version'
Merged commits:
2015-06-25 10:40:05 Eric Heim [d0a918]
COMP: Removed CMAKE error and disable python with a warning if it is enabled in debug mode.
[9ab0b2]: Merge branch 'bug-19146-python-qt-version'
Merged commits:
2015-06-25 11:34:01 Eric Heim [a6e2b2]
COMP: Correct warning message if python is used in wrong configuration
[325d2b]: Merge branch 'bug-19146-python-qt-version'
Merged commits:
2015-06-25 13:55:10 Eric Heim [6b5300]
COMP: Remove cmake error when wrong qt version is used with python. Now python is disabled with a warning.
[c017bd]: Merge branch 'bug-19146-python-qt-version'
Merged commits:
2015-06-24 14:10:50 Eric Heim [28555d]
Added sanity checks for Qt version and build type for python wrapping
[4d8337]: Merge branch 'bug-19146-python-qt-version'
Merged commits:
2015-06-24 14:29:33 Eric Heim [85f4fe]
Enable Python in all configuration builds
[1e53ae]: Merge branch 'bug-19106-feedbackcontour'
Merged commits:
2015-09-09 13:33:04 Eric Heim [1f7f6c]
cleaned paint tool
When running the .exe of the installer everything works fine. If the Workbench is started with the shortcut created by the installer the libraries can't be imported. In the shortcut the execution start directory is set to "MITKInstalldir" where it should be "MITKInstalldir\bin"
The bug was already fixed in another branch.
Can't reproduce the bug.
[a0a0f9]: Merge branch 'bug-19066-pythonInitialization'
Merged commits:
2015-09-23 16:09:05 Eric Heim [b538b9]
Fix blueberry clean python problems
[4d544b]: Merge branch 'bug-19066-refactorPythonModule'
Merged commits:
2015-10-23 15:26:57 Eric Heim [ec5592]
COMP: Force module autoloading by linking workaround in the service interface to fix tests.
[af287f]: Merge branch 'bug-19066-refactorPythonModule'
Merged commits:
2015-10-21 15:23:42 Eric Heim [f3b149]
fixed dependencies and header path generation
[1056bf]: Merge branch 'bug-19066-pythonInitialization'
Merged commits:
2015-09-23 17:03:07 Eric Heim [0e2039]
COMP:Autoload can't work with tests