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Use CppUnit for writing structured unit tests
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New remote branch pushed: bug-16325-use-cppunit-for-unit-tests

Nice work! Especially, mitkGeometry3DEqualTest looks nice. On a first glance I could not totally understand the changes to the DICOM/IOUtil tests. We need some documentation.

Let me know if I can help!

Updated the branch. The setUpParameter() method is gone and there is now a GetTestParameter() method for parameterized tests. Now there is again only the traditional two methods "setUp" and "tearDown".

[68945f]: Merge branch 'bug-16325-use-cppunit-for-unit-tests'

Merged commits:

2013-11-15 01:16:12 Sascha Zelzer [35d957]
Use upper-case method name for getTestDataFilePath and added docs.

2013-11-15 00:59:12 Sascha Zelzer [e757d9]
Save test parameters in the test fixture itself and provide a getter.

2013-11-15 00:29:36 Sascha Zelzer [251a24]
Use the getTestDataFilePath() method to get absolute paths to test data.

2013-11-13 18:12:57 Thomas Kilgus [2803e1]
Adapted IOUtil test to use MITK_TEST instead of MITK_PARAMETERIZED_TEST_1.

2013-11-13 17:57:06 Thomas Kilgus [2692a9]
Minor docu fixes.

2013-11-04 15:33:38 Sascha Zelzer [0036db]
Streamlined MITK test fixture class and macros as well as their usage.

2013-10-30 15:46:07 Thomas Kilgus [484c57]
Converted ImageEqual, SurfaceEqual and PointSetEqual test to the new CppUnit style.

2013-10-25 00:55:54 Sascha Zelzer [e7e785]
Converted mitkDICOMLocaleTest to CppUnit style test.

2013-10-25 00:53:51 Sascha Zelzer [558763]
Improved support for parameterized tests.

2013-10-24 10:50:07 Sascha Zelzer [26006d]
Make parameter parsing to unit tests more versatile.

2013-10-24 02:34:19 Sascha Zelzer [4e93cf]
Fixed semi-colon problem in list arguments.

2013-10-24 01:43:15 Sascha Zelzer [9751bf]
Converted Geometry3DEqual and IOUtil tests to CppUnit tests.

2013-10-24 01:42:46 Sascha Zelzer [7a5224]
Support for writing (parameterized) unit tests based on CppUnit.

New remote branch pushed: bug-16325-fix-mbi-cppunit

[857661]: Merge branch 'bug-16325-fix-mbi-cppunit'

Merged commits:

2013-12-06 17:45:50 Marco Nolden [0835af]
COMP: add CppUnit as Core dependency

New remote branch pushed: bug-16325-Fixed-Ctest-passes-always

[b0b582]: Merge branch 'bug-16325-Fixed-Ctest-passes-always'

Merged commits:

2014-02-05 16:37:47 Michael Goetz [996cde]
Returns result of cppUnit-Run to ctest