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Tidy up new NavigationData interface
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  1. Check documentation of mitkNavigationData and mitkNavigationDataTest
  2. Remove redundancies in code (e.g. tests for correctly copied / intialized NavigationData objects)
  3. In particular, check if quaternion can hold scaling since right now it says scaling is not possible, leading to incompatibilities with AffineTransform3D

Event Timeline

New remote branch pushed: bug-16922-tidy_up_new_NavigationData_interface

is this bug finished? Can we close it?

[f55921]: Merge branch 'bug-16922-tidy_up_new_NavigationData_interface'

Merged commits:

2014-03-11 14:35:07 Sebastian Wirkert [63126d]
Added comments for all test methods for NavigationData

2014-01-28 17:00:14 Sebastian Wirkert [2c2c92]
Removed some redundancies in tests for correct initialization of NavigationData objects.

2014-01-28 15:18:24 Sebastian Wirkert [b513e5]
Removed two out-commented tests which were not belonging in that file.
Created feature request 16919 to re-include these tests in a real hardware test.

2014-01-28 14:55:18 Sebastian Wirkert [37ae42]
All functions in NavigationDataTest were commented out. But why? They didn't create any warnings/errors.
Commented back in.
