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PointSetDataInteractor: all points disappear when removing one point
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I would like to replace the PointSetInteractor with PointSetDataInteractor but it has a severe bug.

If I add several points and start removing them one by one in arbitrary order, sometimes suddenly all the points disappear. Then I add a few more points and some of the previously disappeared points (those that I have not actually removed) reappear. And so on...

This does not happen with the PointSetInteractors.

There is another problem that happens with both interactors. The last point is not removed from the renderer. See #17725.

#16698 might be related as well.

Event Timeline

It's not #17725 but #17473.

kislinsk claimed this task.
kislinsk added a subscriber: kislinsk.

As we didn't have any of these problems in our last releases, I assume that this is fixed.