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mitkACVDTest leaks VTK objects
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After test execution with MITK_VTK_DEBUG_LEAKS turned ON in the superbuild:

vtkDebugLeaks has detected LEAKS!
Class "vtkCurvatureMeasure" has 1 instance still around.
Class "vtkIsotropicDiscreteRemeshing" has 1 instance still around.
Class "vtkObject" has -26 instances still around.
Class "vtkSinglePolynomialMeasure" has 12 instances still around.
Class "vtkIdList" has 1 instance still around.
Class "vtkNeighbourhoodComputation" has 12 instances still around.

If it is not easily fixable it can be turned of with


in the test, see recent changes in Modules/PlanarFigure/Testing/mitkViewportRenderingTest.cpp for an example

Event Timeline

Unfortunately this is not easy to fix since all of these leaks occur in external ACVD code.

[92a603]: Merge branch 'bug-18115-FixACVDTest'

Merged commits:

2014-09-18 13:25:50 Stefan Kislinskiy [de13b8]
Set VTK Debug Leaks exit code to zero for ACVD test.