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TrackingToolbox: Persistence for auto-detected and manually added tools
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Event Timeline

User franza has pushed new remote branch:


Feature is implemented and works fine: ready for merge after the 2014-10 release

Found a bug in this feature: when the storage is auto-saved the surfaces are saved together with their current transformation. When loaded again all tools are wrong by this offset. But they should start in the origin as originally when the tool storage was created.

User franza has pushed new remote branch:


[2cc553]: Merge branch 'bug-18354-IntegrationBranchJan2015'

Merged commits:

2015-01-21 17:36:26 Alfred Franz [5ce884]
fixed a small bug (the surface representation of a tool was modified during the saving progress)

2015-01-21 15:10:18 Alfred Franz [6d2760]
Merge branch 'bug-18354-PersistenceAutoDetectedAndManuallyAddedTools'


2014-10-23 12:11:59 Alfred Franz [693809]
removed message after auto detection which is not needed any more (tools are auto saved now, and can also be accessed by the NavigationToolManager if needed)

2014-10-23 11:57:10 Alfred Franz [c1c1da]
removed forgotten debug output

2014-10-23 11:56:49 Alfred Franz [d9b76d]
now an auto save is called always before closing the tracking toolbox. So all possible changes to the tool storage are saved.

2014-10-23 11:44:25 Alfred Franz [392c60]
now using the path of the mitk logging file for auto saving of tools if possible

2014-10-23 10:54:49 Alfred Franz [3c6694]
added auto save feature for auto-detected and manually added tools

2014-10-16 16:35:22 Alfred Franz [ec346f]
Integrated virtual tracker into UI of tracking toolbox: seems to work

2014-10-16 16:12:51 Alfred Franz [aa6643]
Integrated virtual tracker into UI of navigation tool management

2014-10-14 19:07:50 Alfred Franz [c6e0cd]
added possibility to manually add a reference pose

2014-10-14 18:30:33 Alfred Franz [b51779]
added feature to freeze the navigation data source

User franza has pushed new remote branch:


[51e47f]: Merge branch 'bug-18354-FixDashboard'

Merged commits:

2015-01-22 17:31:42 Alfred Franz [0dbe6f]
COMP: disabled test which crashes at the moment

2015-01-22 17:30:59 Alfred Franz [c0ee75]
COMP: adapted test to changes on class

2015-01-22 17:30:35 Alfred Franz [b1ff88]
COMP: fixed a bug in case a invalid tool object is given

Tool persistence is still buggy... needs to be fixed!

User franza has pushed new remote branch:


bug was fised in the new branch, still needs to be merged

The additional bug fix is only a minor change. Everything else is already merged into the master. So I propose to include the fix into the 2015 spring release.

[76a086]: Merge branch 'bug-18354-TrackingToolboxPersistenceBug'

Merged commits:

2015-05-13 12:52:13 Alfred Franz [b0b75e]
fixed the bug... tools are now correctly saved