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UL Threshold ignores decimal places on scalar image
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to reproduce:

  • Load the attached image and create a new segmentation
  • Choose the UL Threshold Tool (3D Tools)
  • Select as lower threshold something between 0,01 and 0,99

-> The background (value 0) is segmented

Event Timeline

Internally we use the itkBinaryThresholdImageFilter. This filter automatically casts the upper and lower threshold values to the input image pixel type. In case of the attached test image this is short: 0.1 -> 0

The tool works fine with floating point images.

User norajitr has pushed new remote branch:


In order to fix this, the slider value types are adjusted to the input image scalar type. Thus, the user is prevented from setting non-integer values for integer scalars.

[e61d51]: Merge branch 'bug-19145-ULThresholdSilder-IntegerPixelTypeHandling'

Merged commits:

2015-08-19 16:48:49 Tobias Norajitra [36a440]
Slider interval settings adapted for non-float values and proper input value calculation.