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- User Since
- Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (444 w, 6 d)
Aug 2 2016
[0f49b4]: Merge branch 'bug-19185-PlaneSuggestion-Improvement'
Merged commits:
2015-07-16 11:20:28 Nico Riecker [160964]
Merge branch 'personal/riecker/PlaneSuggestionImprovement' into bug-19185-PlaneSuggestion-Improvement
after resampling
Tried to resample the image "file to resample"(attachments) with spacing [1 1 3]
file to resample
Instead of loading the image into a datanode, I tried to write it onto my disc with mitk::IOUtil, that also doesnt work - but it doesnt crash
after resampling
[312a27]: Merge branch 'bug-18637-mitkUnstructuredGridClusteringFilter'
Merged commits:
2015-01-23 12:57:49 Nico Riecker [e3669f]
added a test for the clustering filter
[76c658]: Merge branch 'bug-18621-UnstructuredGrid-2DRenderingBug'
Merged commits:
2015-01-15 17:37:23 Nico Riecker [2611fe]
VtkGLMapperWrapper extension for correct mitkUnstructuredGrid 2D-rendering and wrapping
[3b364f]: Merge branch 'bug-18612-BinaryImage-OutlineColor'
Merged commits:
2015-01-13 17:19:50 Miklos Espak [c5e6e1]
Color context menu in Data Manager changes selected colour of binary images
[7e5c4d]: Merge branch 'bug-18579-mitkPlaneFit-moveBackToMitk'
Merged commits:
2014-12-24 11:51:40 Nico Riecker [568270]
moved the mitkPlaneFit and mitkGeometryDataSource from mbi to mitk
[d5f898]: Merge branch 'bug-18511-UnstructuredGridToUnstructuredGridFilter-Integ
Merged commits:
2014-12-08 11:58:14 Nico Riecker [321cf2]
Merge branch 'bug-18511-UnstructuredGridToUnstructuredGridFilter' into bug-18511-UnstructuredGridToUnstructuredGridFilter-IntegrationBranch
[b1a28a]: Merge branch 'bug-18511-UnstructuredGridToUnstructuredGridFilter-Integ
Merged commits:
2014-12-08 14:23:37 Nico Riecker [f88c07]
COMP: fixed the vtkDebugLeaks
Bug appears just the first time toggling the visibility of the other node.
After select and toggle the visibility of the pointset and image manually it works correct.
Another visibility problem:
- load 2 images
- select datanode1 frist and then the other (datanode2)
- deselect all
- do the same again
-> visibility of all datanodes is toggled
The function SetImagesVisible(selection) is responsible for the strange behavior for the bugs above.
[cb32e6]: Merge branch 'bug-18492-VisibilityBehaviorBug-integration'
Merged commits:
2015-01-07 13:32:59 Nico Riecker [bd9f69]
Merge branch 'bug-18492-VisibilityBehaviorBug' into bug-18492-VisibilityBehaviorBug-integration
QmitkPointBasedRegistrationView.cpp #1346
the comment of this line says "hide all images" -> why hiding all images?!
[374a16]: Merge branch 'bug-18481-ImageToUnstructuredGridFilter-IntegrationBranc
Merged commits:
2014-12-08 11:49:24 Nico Riecker [b7ffef]
Merge branch 'bug-18481-ImageToUnstructuredGridFilter' into bug-18481-ImageToUnstructuredGridFilter-IntegrationBranch
create a new branch with:
[a0b45f]: Merge branch 'bug-18467-ClusteredPlaneSuggestFilter-Integration'
Merged commits:
2015-06-11 15:17:44 Nico Riecker [5b2a9a]
changed the data type from int to unsigned int
[8619fa]: Merge branch 'bug-18456-pointcloud-scoring-filter'
Merged commits:
2015-01-30 17:42:32 Nico Riecker [dfaf3a]
COMP: fixed vtkDebugLeaks error for mac
[197fd8]: Merge branch 'bug-18456-PointCloudScoring-Improvement-Integration'
Merged commits:
2015-06-11 14:55:14 Nico Riecker [0fb6da]
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/bug-18456-PointCloudScoring-Improvement' into bug-18456-PointCloudScoring-Improvement-Integration
[442c3c]: Merge branch 'bug-18456-pointcloud-scoring-filter'
Merged commits:
2015-01-30 17:12:13 Nico Riecker [e5a117]
COMP: fixed some werrors
[385ad0]: Merge branch 'bug-18456-debug-leaks'
Merged commits:
2015-02-02 14:13:25 Nico Riecker [8cb4c7]
fixed a vtk debug leak
[3ee319]: Merge branch 'bug-18456-pointcloud-scoring-filter'
Merged commits:
2015-01-30 16:44:48 Nico Riecker [7dbfbf]
cleaned up the includes
[fd9524]: Merge branch 'bug-18417-FeatureBasedEdgeDetectionFilter-Integration'
Merged commits:
2015-06-11 14:45:01 Nico Riecker [26128e]
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/bug-18417-FeatureBasedEdgeDetectionFilter' into bug-18417-FeatureBasedEdgeDetectionFilter-Integration
[752c47]: Merge branch 'bug-18416-PlaneSuggestion-Improvement'
Merged commits:
2015-06-30 16:23:52 Nico Riecker [639ef4]
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/personal/riecker/PlaneSuggestionImprovement' into bug-18416-PlaneSuggestion-Improvement
[74a521]: Merge branch 'bug-18416-PlaneSuggestFunction-Integration'
Merged commits:
2015-06-30 16:03:13 Nico Riecker [0c3e35]
COMP: removed a non-static initialization
[7fab27]: Merge branch 'bug-18416-PlaneSuggestFunction-Integration'
Merged commits:
2015-06-11 15:20:54 Nico Riecker [2a3bb3]
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/bug-18416-PlaneSuggestion-Integration' into bug-18416-PlaneSuggestFunction-Integration
Testdata: E130-Daten/DICOMrt/Crashdata_L_H
-> loading the RTImage causes a crash
[61155e]: Merge branch 'bug-18188-clippingplane-interactionbug'
Merged commits:
2014-11-05 14:20:02 Nico Riecker [8093fc]
Deactivating the interaction buttons when creating a new clipping plane or switching the active plane
Deactivating the interaction buttons when creating a new clipping plane or switching the active plane solves the described interaction problems.
the segmentation object (m_Segmentation) in QmitkSlicesInterpolator.cpp
line 1069 seems to be empty - no dimension info saved (and all other
information) is saved
in some cases the information is available but m_Dimesion is '0'
For storing the seed point value as double, following lines have to be adapted:
- QmitkAdaptiveRegionGrowingToolGUI.h: line 210
- change to 'double m_SeedpointValue;'
- QmitkAdaptiveRegionGrowingToolGUI.cpp: line 156
- change type of parameter 'val' from int to double
[6acf19]: Merge branch 'bug-17847-rt-refactoring-dose'
Merged commits:
2014-09-23 14:41:35 Nico Riecker [e7e2eb]
COMP = added the std namespace before endl
[61bdcf]: Merge branch 'bug-17847-rt-refactoring-dose'
Merged commits:
2014-09-23 14:14:32 Nico Riecker [21425b]
changed the revision tag for the testing-data
[0f5fbe]: Merge branch 'bug-17846-rt-refactoring-structureset'
Merged commits:
2014-09-23 14:10:09 Nico Riecker [9dcfaa]
changed the revision tag for the testing-data
[8662a9]: Merge branch 'bug-17844-RT-Refactoring-PluginIntegrationQt5-Integratio
Merged commits:
2015-06-09 14:48:40 Nico Riecker [0deb51]
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/bug-17844-RT-Refactoring-PluginIntegrationQt5' into bug-17844-RT-Refactoring-PluginIntegrationQt5-Integration
[f7d3f4]: Merge branch 'bug-17846-rt-refactoring-structureset'
Merged commits:
2014-09-23 14:49:23 Nico Riecker [251250]
COMP: added the std namespace before endl
Core modification is already in master:
[8d0e6b]: Merge branch 'bug-17844-RT-Refactoring-PluginIntegrationQt5-Integratio
Merged commits:
2015-06-09 15:47:41 Nico Riecker [ea5e75]
COMP: updated the test image in the mitk-data repository
Markus fixed the problem by bypassing the interaction pipeline (patch)
-> there is maybe a better long-term solution
patch for mousewheel interaction
patch for mousewheel interaction
so bug-16744-develop is the latest branch, or is there a newer one ?
New remote branch pushed: bug-16725-MITK2013v12-merge-T13440-RTIntegration
New remote branch pushed: bug-16289-ClippingPlaneVectorIntegration
New remote branch pushed: bug-16289-ClippingPlaneWrongNumbers
-Implement a vector which saves the ClippingPlanes for the right order.
After creating a new segmentation the shadow disappear.
On doing a global reinit the shadow will appear again!
For missing clipping plane manual see:
T15851 - Create user manual for clipping plane view
no use case is known for changing the color of the clipping plane
still need the core change request:
New remote branch pushed: bug-15899-ImageVtkMapper2DIgnoresOpacityIntegration
New remote branch pushed: bug-15851-CreateClippingPlaneUserManual
New remote branch pushed: bug-15819-dicomrt-module-dipp-integration-shader
New remote branch pushed: bug-15819-dicomrt-module-shader
New remote branch pushed: bug-15819-dicomrt-module-dipp-integration
Refactoring of the RT code: see T17844
Debugged into file mitkTransferFunction.cpp exception occures on line 281:
will be fixed with T15696