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Extending the functionalityof QmitkPlotWidget
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Some currently running projects will require plotting capability which is not available in QmitkPlotWidget at this time.

Needed features I am aware of:

  • Possibility to add (asymmetric) x- or y-errorbars
  • Setting the legend attribute (how the legend is drawn for a curve (line, symbol...))

Nice to have features I am aware of:

  • Drawing vertical lines (For marking a specific x value, such as a maximum)
  • Highlighting one point as "selected" (e.g. the point corresponding to the currently selected timestep)

Features that would need to be discussed:

  • Should it be possible to get the data vectores back? Or should any exporting be done by the view feeding the data to the plot widget. E.g. for copying to clipboard

Event Timeline

User goch has pushed new remote branch:


The current (as of 1870e766c264eaa3bf128fd36a0e80c1c39eddf9) implementation allows adding of x- and y-errorbars and setting the legend attribute.

It would be possible to add functions for adding vertical/horizontal lines to the interface. This can be achieved using the QwtPlotMarker class. However, I do not think this will add a real benefit vs accessing the QwtPlot directly.

While we know that a curve has associated error curves, and can manage them accordingly (and together), this would not be true for a marker.

[2b16f9]: Merge branch 'bug-19287-improve-QmitkPlotWidget'

Merged commits:

2015-09-10 15:55:51 Caspar Goch [1870e7]
Add functions to add and manage error bars/interval curves

2015-09-10 15:54:34 Caspar Goch [f169e0]
Add possibility to add legend attribute

2015-09-10 15:52:02 Caspar Goch [5979f7]
Add error bars/interval curves

Associated curve + errors are stored in a tuple

2015-09-03 13:46:17 Caspar Goch [632800]
Remove random code in comments