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3D Threshold segmentation preview not shown
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the preview of the segmentation (in green) is not shown in case a threshold/ul threshold is chosen and segmentation plugin loses focus (e.g. by showing Node details).
It's a rendering problem because the segmentation is showed in red after confirmed.

Event Timeline

kislinsk triaged this task as Normal priority.Dec 14 2016, 2:34 PM
kislinsk edited projects, added MITK (2016-11); removed MITK.
kislinsk moved this task from Backlog to Focus Tasks on the MITK (2016-11) board.

I can not reproduce this on Windows 10 64 bit.

I assume the workflow is:

  1. Load image
  2. Create segmentation
  3. Select 3D threshold tool
  4. right click on any node in the datamanager and select "Details"

The green preview is still shown for me after step 4.

Could you verify whether it still happens @hentsch ?

Works fine now with the current master also on Win7 64 bit.