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Update superbuild to use ITK 4.11
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I think there are a number of nice little features in the Python bridge, compiler support, Run-length encoded memory compression scheme for itk::Image which could be useful for multiple small objects segmentation projects .

In general this would allow us to base bug fix branches in the future on this ...

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AFAIK they also updated their version of HDF5, which may require us to update our related code, but would allow us to get rid of our dependency to a separate version of HDF5.

AFAIK they also updated their version of HDF5, which may require us to update our related code, but would allow us to get rid of our dependency to a separate version of HDF5.

I think we would still need to build HDF5 for vigra.

kislinsk triaged this task as Wishlist priority.Jan 27 2017, 9:48 AM

You're right. ITK doesn't seem to expose HDF5 anyway...

nolden claimed this task.

I think the update has been done