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rMITK83657a10cd35: Merge branch 'T26840-MitkHomepageReorganization-TopLevel' of ssh://phabricator.
rMITK223881977a1d: Merge branch 'master' into T26840-MitkHomepageReorganization-TopLevel
rMITK9f6193d0874a: Merge branch 'T27100-Revise-DataManager-Plugin-Documentation' into T27100…
rMITKb5518f0d9117: Merge branch 'master' into develop
rMITKd9d4eb1e23ff: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/T24771-Integration' into T24771-Develop…
rMITK6dfa915f8b23: Add a concept documentation for the data storage inspectors and the overhaul of…
rMITK61c29856fd9a: The concentration curve converter view is updated to have all the…
rMITK444716c43250: Segmentation Utilities view shows gaps between multiple selection widgets
rMITKebe44be1fd0d: Merge branch 'feature/T25882-CDashAuthorization' into develop
rMITK33b490954a78: MultiLabel Segmentation Utilities view shows gaps between multiple selection…
rMITKae21cdc44627: Merge branch 'T27100-Develop-integration' into develop
rMITKe064ac2779a9: T27791 - Optimized RT mime types
rMITKdec5293f1b9b: Revise documentation on MITK's top-level directories
rMITK2a51f8fa5688: Bugfix: Added a check for file existance to prevent tag scanning errors.
rMITK028a2733ca29: Revise MultiLabel Segmentation Utilities Plugin Documentation
rMITK35f588e4562a: Add "The" to page titles.
rMITK1eb820c49757: Merge branch 'feature/T25882-MITKOptions' into develop
rMITK98f05ef6825b: Live Wire segmentation crashes with 4D image and static segmentation
rMITKece31f3c79b9: 2D Fast Marching segmentation crashes with 4D image and static segmentation
rMITK3fda52eea343: Fix view IDs
rMITKd3ce78442e93: Merge branch 'hotfix/T27849-MITKExtensionsInCDashScriptOnUnix' into develop
rMITKaabd0623f1d6: Merge branch 'feature/T27852-CDashAddOptionToCleanDirs' into develop
rMITKe02262024ec3: Merge branch 'bugfix/T26897-RemoveCustomFindGitModule' into develop
rMITK0a52c695f724: Merge branch 'feature/T27879-MITK_BUILD_NAME_SUFFIX' into develop
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T24771: [MITKDoc] Add a concept documentation for the data storage inspectors and the overhaul of the selection concept
T25882: Rewrite dashboard script for CDash 2.6
T26840: Mission Homepage Reorganization
T26897: Build error: Could not find git for clone of qRestAPI
T27096: [MITKDoc] Revise MultiLabel Segmentation Utilities Plugin Documentation
T27100: [MITKDoc] Revise DataManager Plugin Documentation
T27563: Help link (pressing F1) is partially broken
T27721: [Segmentation] 2D Fast Marching crashes with 4D image and static segmentation
T27789: [Segmentation] Disentangle Clipping Plane plugin from segmentation
T27791: Optimize RT Mime Types
T27792: [Segmentation] Utilities view shows gaps between multiple selection widgets
T27795: [MultiLabel Segmentation] Utilities view shows gaps between multiple selection widgets
T27800: [Segmentation] Live Wire crashes with 4D image and static segmentation
T27818: [MITKDoc] Revise Top-level directories in documentation
T27849: MITK extensions do not work in CDash script on Linux and macOS
T27851: Unhide label presets
T27852: [CDash] Add option to clean build directory
T27879: [CDash] CTEST_BUILD_NAME suffix feature
T27885: numPixelsInDataset calc may not currect in mitkLevelWindow::SetAuto
T27887: Make package fails when using system Qt packages on Ubuntu 20.04
T27900: Reference typo in mitkPlanarEllipse.cpp
T27902: Handle slashes in installer names
Event Timeline
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Pushed new branch release/T27910-2020-Week-43.