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[Registration] Auto selection (and listening) in MatchPoint views
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Status: As described in T27498 the default behavior of auto select was defined. Default is active auto select, as long as it does not need to worse usability.
Auto select for the registration is not that trivial and needs more "intelligence" in the selection widget to introduce it or to replace the already handmade auto selection features. Needs/problem per view:

MatchPoint Executor
  • Target / moving selector: default auto selection has the problem that it leads often to the selection of the same image for both selectors. That makes no sense. Adding an Predicate that prohibits e.g. the target selector to select the same node as the moving selector does also not work. Because then it is not easily possible for the user to switch the selection. I think the best way would be to introduce an option to specify a special auto select predicate or auto select check function (similar to the check function of the MultiNodeSelectionWidget). If it is not used, the normal predicate is used for auto select. If defined it will be used to auto select. Then one can specify that auto select should not select the node of the other selection, but the user can still do.
  • Mask selectors should not auto select. Because it is more likely that no mask is wanted or that a wrong mask is selected without knowing the use case. Here it makes more sense to allow listening (in combination with scoped selections T23837) to allow the definition from somewhere else.
  • Registration: The current auto select behavior is problematic. Auto select a reg if available is ok. But there are scenerios where the user does not want a reg. It can be removed as the selector is optional. But as soon as something changed in the data storage, it will be auto selected again (not good!). So either we keep auto select deactivated or we need a functionality that prevents empty slots to be filled if user does not want it. To possible ways:
    • 1) mode that detects empty selection (done by the user, by pressing the cancle button) also as a selection and there for does no auto select.
    • 2) a possibility to lock the selection from any auto selection / or external setting (?!? if we go that road we should be careful not to introduce doubled structures as same needs will arise with selection listeners plugged to selection widgets).
  • Input: Thats OK to activate normal auto select (when no registration is defined to trigger the custom autoselect).
  • Reference: No. Should always be via the custom autoselect.
  • Registration: Same problem/requirements like the mapper reg selection (see above).
  • Moving/Target: If a registration is selected. No normal auto select should be activated, but the custom auto select strategy of the view should be used. If no reg is selected, auto select could be used, but has the same problems/requirements as moving/target in the executor.
  • Registration: Is ok to auto select, if user select to manipulate an existing reg.
  • Moving/Target: If a registration is selected. No normal auto select should be activated, but the custom auto select strategy of the view should be used. If no reg is selected, auto select could be used, but has the same problems/requirements as moving/target in the executor.
  • Registration: Autoselect would be OK.

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