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Check if GenericFitMiniApp supports the needed model
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Check if we have the model implemented or (if not) there formular parser is enough (check in MITK wokrbench with some test data).

  1. If we have a model: we have to extend the app (curently only linear is available there)
  2. If formular works. Nothing to do
  3. If non: We have to implement it + No1

@kompan could you please check? @s434n knows the details.

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Event Timeline

floca triaged this task as Normal priority.May 24 2023, 5:47 PM
floca created this task.

What exactly was the model again? Just an exponential decay?

please ask tanja before I say something wrong.

The formula for the 23Na-MR data analysis is:

S_biexp = M_0 * ( f * exp^(-t/T_2s) + (1-f) * exp^(-t/T2l)

with f = 0.6.
S_biexp is the measured signal. M_0, T_2s and T_2l are the fitting parameters.
For the test data we are going to get, the time grid is [0.35ms, 12ms, 24ms, 36ms, 48ms, 60ms].

According to the formula info in the workbench, this model should be readable by the formula parser. Tanja will send us some test data for which we need to verify that.

Let's discuss in the meeting if it would be more convenient for the users to implement to the model in the MiniApp or if input via the formula parser is fine.

kompan claimed this task.

This fitting task was applied not to many cases, therefore AVID batch processing was not required and fitting was done in MITK using the formula parser.